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Preparing for your anaesthetic.

For anaesthetic information about a specific operation, please click here.

In general:


  1. Get a little fitter. Even a regular walk will work wonders.

  2. Don’t smoke – ideally, give it up six weeks before surgery.

  3. Drink less alcohol.

  4. Eat a healthy diet. Try to lose a little weight if you are overweight. Vitamin supplements may be appropriate.


The weeks before your operation:


  1. If you are taking aspirin, consult your surgeon or contact me about whether or not you should stop taking it two weeks before surgery.

  2. If you take medication for high blood pressure, heart trouble/angina, diabetes, asthma, acid reflux or are taking steroids regularly, please complete the Pre-Operative Assessment or contact me for information on what to take on the day of surgery. 

  3. If you are anxious and have any questions, contact me to discuss them.

  4. If you have a cold or flu in the week before surgery, then contact me or your surgeon to find out if your anaesthetic and procedure or operation should be postponed.


Day before your operation:


  1. Do not drink any alcohol for the 24 hours before surgery.

  2. Do not smoke on the morning of surgery.

  3. Please follow admission and fasting instructions from your specialist and hospital. If you are unsure about your fasting time, you should fast for a minimum of six hours for solids and four hours for liquids.

  4. If you normally take medications in the morning, do so with a small sip of water, unless instructed otherwise.

  5. If you take regular medication, please bring them with you to the hospital.​

  6. Remove contact lenses and false eyelashes.


If you are coming in for Day Surgery:


  1. Arrange for someone to escort you home from hospital.

  2. Arrange for someone to stay with you overnight.

  3. DO NOT, for a period of 24 hours:

  • drive a car or ride a motorcycle, bicycle or horse.

  • use power appliances or tools.

  • cook or pour hot liquids.

  • drink alcohol.

  • sign legal or financial documents.



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